
The appearance of one’s ears plays a pivotal role in defining overall facial aesthetics. Ears contribute significantly to the overall balance and symmetry of the face. Well-proportioned and properly positioned ears can enhance facial harmony, creating a balanced and natural look. Dr Dadgostar recognizes the importance of ear aesthetics and its profound impact on an individual’s self-esteem and confidence.

Otoplasty, also known as ear surgery or ear pinning, is a surgical procedure designed to enhance the appearance of the ears and restore facial balance. Otoplasty is sought by individuals who may feel self-conscious about the size, shape, or prominence of their ears. This meticulous surgical technique aims to reshape and reposition the ears to create a natural, harmonious balance with the rest of the facial features.

Who’s a Good Candidate for Otoplasty?

Otoplasty is often chosen to address concerns such as:

  • Protruding ears
  • Overly large earlobes
  • Irregular or absent ear contours
  • Asymmetry between the ears

Otoplasty with Dr Dadgostar

As a board-certified ear, nose, and throat surgeon with specific certified training in facial plastic and reconstructive surgery, Dr. Dadgostar has performed many ear surgeries and is uniquely suited to performing cosmetic surgery of the ears.

Consultation and Evaluation
The journey to enhanced ear aesthetics begins with a comprehensive consultation with Dr Dadgostar. During this personalized session, we discuss your aesthetic goals, evaluate your ear anatomy, and create a customized surgical plan tailored to your unique needs. This collaborative approach ensures that the otoplasty procedure aligns seamlessly with your desired outcomes.

Customized Treatment Plan
Based on the consultation, Dr Dadgostar will create a customized treatment plan. This plan outlines the specific adjustments to be made, taking into account your unique anatomy and desired outcome. She will discuss the details, answer any questions, and ensure that your feel confident and well-informed about the procedure.

Otoplasty Procedure

Otoplasty can be performed under local or general anesthesia and typically requires 1-2 hours of surgical time. Depending on the specific concerns and goals, otoplasty can be performed with discreet incisions behind the ear for maximal correction. For some patients, the surgery can be done without an incision, and with the placement of special sutures under the skin. The type of surgery would be decided by you in consultation with Dr. Dadgostar.

The key to a successful otoplasty lies in the reshaping and repositioning of the ear’s cartilage, typically involving the anti-helical fold. Dr Dadgostar empolys advanced techniques to sculpt and mold the cartilage, addressing concerns such as protrusion, asymmetry, or disproportionate size.

Once the desired ear shape is achieved, the ears are secured in their new position using internal sutures. This step is crucial for maintaining the reshaped contours and ensuring long-lasting results. The meticulous attention to detail during this phase of the procedure contributes to the natural appearance and stability of the ears.

Recovery and Post-Operative Care

Recovery and post-operative care are crucial aspects of Otoplasty surgery process to ensure optimal healing and long-lasting results. Following surgery, patients are guided through a carefully outlined recovery plan.

To support the newly sculpted ear contours and aid in the healing process, a protective dressing or bandage is applied. This dressing helps minimize swelling and provides support to the ears during the early stages of recovery. 1-2 days following the surgery you will be instructed to remove the dressings and clean your ears.  A headband is then worn around the ears for the first two weeks after surgery.

Swelling and mild discomfort are expected in the first few days after surgery, which is easily managed with appropriate pain medication. Applying cold compresses and keeping your head elevated can also help alleviate these symptoms. Most sutures that are used are self-dissolving, if any sutures need to be removed this will be done 1 week after surgery. Most of the bruising and swelling resolves within the first 1-2 weeks.

While rest is essential in the initial days after otoplasty, most patients can gradually return to their regular activities within a week. Strenuous physical activities, particularly those that may involve impact or pressure on the ears, should be avoided during the early stages of recovery to ensure optimal healing.

Scheduled follow-up appointments are an integral part of the otoplasty recovery process. These appointments allow us to monitor your progress, remove any sutures or dressings, and address any questions or concerns you may have. Dr Dadgostar is dedicated to providing ongoing support and guidance throughout your recovery journey.

Long-Term Results

As the weeks pass, swelling will gradually subside, revealing the final, beautifully reshaped contours of your ears. Full recovery timelines can vary from person to person, but most patients can enjoy their final results within a few weeks to a couple of months post-surgery. It’s essential to protect your ears from trauma during this period to ensure the longevity of the results.

At About Face MD, we understand that every individual is unique, and their aesthetic goals are personal. Dr Dadgostar takes a personalized approach to otoplasty, ensuring that the procedure is tailored to meet the specific needs and desires of each patient. This commitment to individualized care ensures natural-looking results that seamlessly integrate with your overall appearance.

Secure Your Consultation Today

Don’t let your ears keep you from feeling confident. Embark on your journey to enhanced confidence and facial harmony with Otoplasty surgery at About Face MD. Schedule a consultation with Dr Dadgostar to explore the possibilities of ear aesthetics and discover the transformative impact it can have on your life.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the recovery process like?

The initial recovery period involves wearing a protective dressing, managing swelling, and following post-operative care instructions. Most patients can return to their regular activities within a week, with full results becoming apparent over the following weeks to months.

Are there visible scars after otoplasty?

Incisions for otoplasty are strategically placed behind or within the natural folds of the ear to minimize visibility. As a result, scarring is typically minimal and fades over time.

Can otoplasty be performed on children?

Yes, otoplasty is commonly performed on children, typically around the age of five or six when the ear cartilage is sufficiently developed. Addressing ear concerns early can prevent potential social challenges.

Are the results of otoplasty permanent?

Otoplasty results are considered permanent. Once the ears are reshaped and repositioned, they typically maintain their new appearance over the long term. However, it’s crucial to avoid trauma to the ears during the healing process.

How soon can I see the final results of otoplasty?

While initial results can be seen once swelling subsides, the final, more refined results of otoplasty become apparent within a few weeks to a couple of months as the healing process progresses.