
Revitalize Your Reflection:

Unveil a Renewed You Through Facelift Surgery at About Face MD

Over time, factors such as gravity, sun exposure, and natural aging can lead to sagging skin, wrinkles, and a loss of facial volume. A facelift, also known as rhytidectomy, is a transformative cosmetic procedure sought by both women and men for its remarkable ability to reverse the visible signs of aging and restore a more youthful, refreshed appearance.

The goal of a facelift is to restore a more youthful facial appearance through lifting structures in the face and neck that have started to hang and sag over the years, resulting in a smoother, more lifted contour. It lifts the jowls (the pouches of skin and tissue that hang down along the jawline on either side of the chin) and minimizes the appearance of deep wrinkles and lines.  Most importantly, a facelift will restore a rested and youthful appearance to the face without looking over-tightened or unnatural.

While innovative non-surgical facelift treatments continue to emerge, none match the effectiveness and longevity achieved through traditional facelift surgery. Integrating these advanced treatments with facelift procedures allows us to deliver optimal results, combining effectiveness, a natural appearance, and long-lasting outcomes for all our patients.

As an expert in facial surgery, Dr. Dadgostar has a deep understanding of how different superficial and deep anatomical structures form the basis for how the face looks, moves, and conveys different expressions. This understanding and appreciation for the intimate details of facial anatomy and physiology allows Dr Dadgostar to provide comprehensive facial rejuvenation resulting in natural-looking and long-lasting results.

Who is a Candidate for Facelift Surgery?

A facelift may be an option if you have:

  • Sagging Skin: Candidates may have noticeable sagging or excess skin in the lower face, jowls, and neck.
  • Loss of Facial Volume: Individuals with a loss of facial volume, particularly in the midface, may benefit from a facelift.
  • Deep Wrinkles and Folds: Those with deep wrinkles, folds, or lines around the mouth and nose are often good candidates.

Facelift with Dr Dadgostar

Consultation and Evaluation
The journey to your refreshed face begins with a comprehensive consultation with Dr Dadgostar. During this personalized session, she carefully evaluates your facial features and proportions, considering factors such as your jawline and overall facial symmetry. The goal is to create a balanced and natural-looking result that complements your unique facial anatomy.

Based on the consultation, Dr Dadgostar will create a customized treatment plan. This plan outlines the specific adjustments to be made, taking into account your unique anatomy and desired outcome. She will discuss the details, answer any questions, and ensure that your feel confident and well-informed about the procedure. This collaborative approach ensures that your facelift procedure aligns seamlessly with your desired outcomes.

Facelift Techniques
There are various techniques described for facelift surgery. Most technique names refer to how deep the surgery is done along the different layers of the face.

Mini Facelift: A mini facelift, or limited-incision facelift, is a less invasive alternative to the traditional facelift. It focuses on addressing early signs of aging in the lower face and jowls. The incisions are shorter and typically located around the ears, resulting in shorter recovery time and less scarring compared to a traditional facelift.

SMAS Facelift: The Superficial Musculo-Aponeurotic System (SMAS) facelift is a traditional technique that involves lifting and tightening the deeper layers of facial tissues. It addresses sagging in the midface, jowls, and neck.

Deep Plane Facelift: This advanced technique involves lifting and repositioning the deeper layers of facial tissue, including the SMAS (superficial musculoaponeurotic system). By working at a deeper level, a deep plane facelift can achieve more significant and longer-lasting results compared to traditional facelift techniques.

Neck Lift: A neck lift specifically addresses sagging skin and excess fat in the neck area. It may be performed as a standalone procedure or in conjunction with a facelift to achieve comprehensive rejuvenation of the lower face and neck. Incisions are made behind the ears and/or under the chin to access and tighten the underlying muscles and remove excess skin.

The choice of technique depends on multiple factors including patient’s anatomy, desired outcome, and extent of aging. Dr Dadgostar will discuss the details of each surgical approach, answer any questions, and ensure that your feel confident and well-informed about the options. This collaborative approach ensures that your make an informed decision for surgical approach and the facelift procedure aligns seamlessly with your desired outcomes.

Facelift Procedure

Facelift surgery can be done under general anesthetic or with deep sedation (twilight anesthesia). It is a day surgery which takes several hours to perform depending on how many other procedures are done in conjunction with facelifting.

Carefully planned incisions are made in inconspicuous areas, such as around the hairline, extending down in front of the ears, and possibly behind the ears or into the scalp. These incisions are strategically placed to minimize visible scarring while providing access to the underlying facial structures. The skin is then separated from the underlying facial muscles and tissues. This allows access to the deeper layers of the face where the lifting and repositioning of facial tissues will take place.

Once the deeper tissues have been lifted and repositioned, the skin is redraped over the newly repositioned facial contours. Any excess skin is carefully trimmed away, and the remaining skin is meticulously sutured into place to ensure a smooth and natural-looking result. Dr. Dadgostar pays meticulous attention to detail during the closure process to minimize scarring and promote optimal healing.

Often times, other procedures are performed in conjunction with facelifting to optimize results and appearance. These can include submental liposuction (removing fat from under the chin in the neck) or neck lift (tightening sagging and separated muscles under the jaw).

Recovery and Post-Operative Care

Recovery and post-operative care are crucial aspects of the facelift surgery process to ensure optimal healing and long-lasting results. Patients are discharged the same day of surgery.

Following surgery, patients are guided through a carefully outlined recovery plan. This typically involves rest with light activities for the first week and taking any prescribed medications for pain management if necessary. A tight dressing is put around the face and forehead to prevent the collection of fluid under the skin. You will come to the office the day following your surgery to have your dressings changed and incisions cleaned. A lighter dressing will be placed at this point. Bruising, swelling and some numbness of the skin are all expected after surgery. After 3-4 days you will be able to shower and gently wash your hair and incisions.

By day 7 all dressings will be removed, and we will begin to remove your surgical sutures. By the 14th post-operative day all sutures and dressings will be removed, and most patients will be able to return to work, although there will still be noticeable swelling. Patients are advised to avoid heavy lifting or high impact activities for 2 weeks after surgery.

By the second post-operative week most patients feel comfortable to return to work and regular social situations. There will be minimal residual swelling which will take several months to resolve. Follow-up appointments are scheduled on a regular basis to monitor the healing process, remove any sutures, and address any questions or concerns that may arise.

Secure Your Consultation Today

Under the care of Dr. Dadgostar, you can expect a meticulous and individualized approach to facelift surgery, ensuring a long-lasting effects and natural-looking results. Take the first step towards a rejuvenated and elevated facial profile by securing a consultation with Dr. Dadgostar to explore the possibilities of facelift surgery tailored to your aesthetic goals.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long do the results of a facelift last?

Results are long-lasting, but they do not stop the natural aging process. As you age, your face will age as well, but it will continue to look far more youthful than if you had not had a facelift. The longevity of results depends on various factors, including genetics, lifestyle, and skin care.

Can a facelift be combined with other cosmetic procedures?

Yes, many patients opt to combine facelifts with other procedures such as eyelid surgery, brow lifts, or non-surgical treatments like dermal fillers.

What is the difference between a facelift and non-surgical facial rejuvenation treatments?

While a facelift provides more dramatic and long-lasting results, non-surgical options like Botox and dermal fillers can offer temporary improvements with less downtime.

How should I prepare for a facelift surgery?

Preparing for a facelift may involve lifestyle adjustments, discontinuing certain medications, and following pre-operative instructions provided by Dr Dadgostar.

Is there an ideal age for getting a facelift?

There isn’t a specific age requirement, as individual aging processes vary. The decision to undergo a facelift is more based on the individual’s physical and emotional readiness.

Will there be visible scarring after facelift surgery?

Dr Dadgostar strives to minimize scarring by carefully placing incisions in inconspicuous areas, such as along the hairline or behind the ears. The goal is to make the scars as discreet as possible.