
Non-Surgical Facelift

A facelift without surgery, known as a liquid facelift, uses a combination of dermal fillers and neuromodulators to treat or prevent signs of aging. When strategically placed, dermal fillers can be used to lift and tether underlying tissues in order to provide the benefits of a non-surgical facelift. Patients will benefit from taking approximately 5 years off of their face by correcting and preventing mild to moderate signs of aging with non-invasive techniques.

Non-Surgical Facelift with Dr Dadgostar

Consultation and Assessment
Dr Dadgostar takes the time to understand your aesthetic goals, assess your facial anatomy, and discuss any concerns you may have. This collaborative process ensures that your treatment plan is customized to your unique needs.

Tailored Treatment Plan
Based on the assessment, Dr Dadgostar develops a personalized treatment plan that addresses specific areas of concern. Whether you’re looking to add volume to the cheeks, smooth lines around the mouth, or enhance lip fullness, Dr Dadgostar tailors the treatment to achieve your desired outcome.

Injectable Procedure

During the dermal filler treatment, Dr Dadgostar uses fine needles or cannulas to administer the product into targeted areas. Dr Dadgostar only employs gold-standard injectable products to ensure the best results possible. The injections are precise, and the entire procedure typically will last around 30 minutes to an hour. Patient comfort is a priority, and measures such as ice and topical anesthetic are taken to ensure a relaxing experience. The injectable gel instantly adds volume and structure, yielding immediate, noticeable results.

Recovery and Post-Treatment Care

Recovery depends on the type of injectable, area of injection, and on your ability to heal. In general, there is minimal downtime. Swelling and injection site redness usually subside in less than an hour. Bruising is variable and can sometimes last for up to a week. Following the procedure, you can resume your daily activities with minimal downtime. Dr Dadgostar provides comprehensive post-treatment care instructions to ensure a smooth recovery and optimal results.

Long-Lasting Results

The effects of dermal fillers are immediate, with optimal results becoming noticeable within a few days. Results typically last six months to two years, depending on the specific filler used and individual factors. Regular maintenance appointments can be scheduled to maintain optimal results and address any changes in your aesthetic goals over time.

Secure Your Non-Surgical Facelift Consultation Today

Secure your consultation today, and let Dr Dadgostar tailor a treatment plan that revitalizes your natural beauty, leaving you with a refreshed and rejuvenated appearance.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Do Dermal Filler Results Last?

The duration of results varies depending on the specific dermal filler used and individual factors. On average, results can last from six months to over a year. Dr Dadgostar will provide you with detailed information about the expected longevity during your consultation.

Are Dermal Fillers Safe?

Yes, dermal fillers are considered safe when administered by trained and experienced practitioners. Dr Dadgostar prioritizes safety and exclusively uses only gold-standard injectable products. Potential risks and side effects are discussed during the consultation, and Dr Dadgostar takes every precaution to minimize these risks.

Will Dermal Fillers Make My Face Look Overfilled?

No, when administered by skilled practitioners, dermal fillers should enhance your features without creating an overfilled or unnatural appearance. Dr Dadgostar’s approach to achieve subtle improvements that leave you looking refreshed and rejuvenated.

How Often Should I Repeat Dermal Filler Treatments?

The frequency of dermal filler treatments varies among individuals and depends on the type of filler used. Results typically last six months to two years. Regular maintenance appointments can help sustain the desired effects and accommodate any changes in your aesthetic goals over time.

Is There Any Downtime After Dermal Filler Injections?

Dermal filler treatments typically involve minimal downtime. While some patients may experience mild swelling or bruising, these effects are generally short-lived. Most individuals can resume their normal activities immediately after the procedure.

Can Dermal Fillers Be Reversed?

In some cases, the effects of hyaluronic acid-based fillers can be reversed using an enzyme called hyaluronidase. This provides flexibility and control over your appearance if needed. Dr Dadgostar can discuss this option during your consultation.

Can Dermal Fillers Be Combined with Other Treatments?

Absolutely. Dermal fillers can be seamlessly integrated with other aesthetic treatments, such as Botox, to achieve a comprehensive facial rejuvenation. Dr Dadgostar will assess your needs and goals to recommend a tailored combination of treatments for optimal results.

Can Dermal Fillers Enhance Facial Contours?

Yes, one of the benefits of dermal fillers is their ability to enhance and define facial contours. Whether you desire fuller cheeks, more pronounced cheekbones, or a refined jawline, dermal fillers can be strategically placed to achieve a beautifully sculpted appearance.