SURGICAL (signature procedure)


The nose is the central focal point of our face and contributes to the overall harmony of our features. It is not surprising that rhinoplasty (or nose job surgery) is one of the most common cosmetic surgical procedures sought by men and women. As the nose is the most defining characteristic of the face, a slight alteration can significantly improve one’s appearance.

Dr Dadgostar is a dual-fellowship trained Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon and Rhinoplasty specialist. With more than 10 years of experience and extensive training in nasal surgery, she is dedicated to achieving the highest standards in rhinoplasty surgery. With an emphasis on achieving results that seamlessly integrate with your unique facial features, Dr Dadgostar strives to create a natural, balanced and harmonious facial profile.

Dr Dadgostar has extensive experience performing a wide-variety of surgical techniques including open and closed rhinoplasty, revision rhinoplasty, Asian rhinoplasty, augmentation rhinoplasty, functional rhinoplasty, hump reduction, and tip refinement.

Whether it is your first surgery to your nose’s shape and size, or complex revision rhinoplasty for patients who have previously undergone nose surgery, her precise and delicate approach can help you achieve a natural look.

Rhinoplasty is a delicate and intricate surgery involving reshaping and restructuring the nose to achieve a more balanced and harmonious facial profile. While the procedure is primarily focused on cosmetic improvements, it can also address functional issues, such as breathing difficulties. Nasal surgery should be planned carefully to give an optimal aesthetic appearance to the nose while maintaining and improving all functions.

Is Rhinoplasty Right for You?

Aesthetic Goals:
If you have specific aesthetic goals for your nose, such as refining the shape, size, or symmetry, rhinoplasty may be the right choice. Whether you seek subtle enhancements or more dramatic changes, Dr Dadgostar works with you to achieve the desired outcome while preserving your unique facial identity.

Functional Concerns:
Rhinoplasty is not just about enhancing your appearance; it also offers functionality and comfort. If you experience difficulty breathing due to a deviated septum, nasal obstruction, or other functional problems, Dr Dadgostar can incorporate corrective measures into the rhinoplasty procedure, allowing you to breathe more freely and improve your overall quality of life. Dr Dadgostar is trained to pursue aesthetics and functionality, providing a comprehensive solution that brings harmony and balance to your face.

The Cosmetic Rhinoplasty Process at About Face MD

Initial Consultation
The journey begins with a comprehensive initial consultation with Dr Dadgostar. During this session, you will have the opportunity to discuss your aesthetic goals, concerns, and any functional issues you may be experiencing. Dr Dadgostar will conduct a thorough examination, considering the overall facial structure, skin type, and individual preferences to develop a personalized treatment plan.

Digital Imaging
To provide a visual representation of the potential outcomes, Dr Dadgostar employs advanced digital imaging technology. This allows you to preview the proposed changes to your nose, fostering a clear understanding and collaborative approach in your rhinoplasty journey.

Customized Treatment Plan
Based on the consultation and digital imaging results, Dr Dadgostar will create a customized treatment plan. This plan outlines the specific adjustments to be made, taking into account your unique anatomy and desired outcome. Dr Dadgostar will discuss the details, answer any questions, and ensure that your feel confident and well-informed about the procedure.

Surgery Day

Depending on the complexity of the procedure, rhinoplasty may be performed under local anesthesia with sedation or general anesthesia. Surgery usually takes between 2-4 hours, depending upon whether there are breathing issues that need to be addressed as well. Approaches and details vary depending on the patient. Your surgery can be performed with incisions completely hidden inside the nose (endonasal), or with a small incision on the outside of the nose (external). During consultation, you will be advised whether the endonasal or external approach is recommended in your particular case. If you require the external approach, a very small incision is hidden in the columella. It heals extremely well with no discernible scarring.

After the skin of the nose has been lifted, several techniques are used to address nasal function and appearance. Once complete, the skin on the nose is re-draped, the incisions are closed with dissolvable sutures and a dressing or cast is placed on the outside part of the nose.

Recovery and Follow-Up

After 1 week all dressings/cast and any removable sutures are removed and most patients can return to work and resume most normal daily activities within 1-2 weeks. In some cases nasal bones are intentionally fractured which can cause swelling and bruising around the eyes for 10 days. Nasal swelling and stuffiness are common for the first few weeks following surgery. During the first 6 weeks of recovery nasal pressure cannot be applied to the bridge of the nose (including glasses and sunglasses).

Post-operative care is a crucial aspect of the rhinoplasty journey. Dr Dadgostar provides detailed instructions for recovery, including information on managing swelling, pain, and any potential temporary changes in sensation. Follow-up appointments are scheduled to monitor progress, address any concerns, and ensure a smooth recovery process.

Long-Term Results

Healing from rhinoplasty is a gradual process. You should expect to see 85% of your final result in the month following surgery, 95% in 6 months, and a full 1-2 years to see the final result.

Dr Dadgostar’s goal in rhinoplasty is to achieve facial balance and natural-looking results. Dr Dadgostar takes pride in her meticulous approach, focusing on creating a nose that enhances overall facial aesthetics while maintaining balance and proportion. Long-term results are a testament to her commitment to excellence.

Beyond Aesthetics:
Functional Improvements

While the primary focus of rhinoplasty is aesthetic enhancement, Dr Dadgostar also address functional concerns to ensure a comprehensive approach. Issues such as a deviated septum or nasal obstruction can be addressed concurrently with cosmetic adjustments, leading to improved breathing and overall nasal function.

Why Choose About Face MD for Rhinoplasty?

Dr Dadgostar brings a wealth of experience and expertise and is dedicated to achieving the highest standards in rhinoplasty. She has extensive experience in both cosmetic and functional rhinoplasty, to ensure that your nose will function as well or even better than before surgery. Her goal is to obtain results that enhance your natural beauty while maintaining the distinctiveness of your facial features.

Dr Dadgostar works closely with you to understand your goals, concerns, and expectations. She believes in fostering open communication. Through a comprehensive consultation, you can discuss your desires, ask questions, and gain a thorough understanding of the rhinoplasty process. We want you to feel informed, confident, and empowered in your decision.

Dr Dadgostar will take into account your facial features, desired outcome, and any functional concerns to create a customized treatment plan that enhances your natural beauty. She has meticulous attention to detail, ensuring that every aspect of your rhinoplasty is carefully considered.

Embark on a journey to rediscover your confidence and radiate newfound self-assurance with rhinoplasty at About Face MD. Our commitment to excellence, personalized care, and artistic approach make us a trusted destination for those seeking transformative and natural-looking results.

Put your best face forward with Rhinoplasty Surgery

Schedule your consultation with Dr Dadgostar today with and take the first step toward the enhanced, balanced facial aesthetic you always envisioned.

Frequently Asked Questions

Determining whether rhinoplasty is right for you is a personal decision. If you have been struggling with self-confidence issues due to the appearance or function of your nose, rhinoplasty can be a life-changing solution. We invite you to schedule a consultation with Dr Dadgostar to discuss your concerns, explore your options, and envision the possibilities. Rediscover your confidence and embrace the beauty within you with the transformative power of rhinoplasty.

How Long Does the Procedure Take?

The duration of cosmetic rhinoplasty varies based on the complexity of the procedure. On average, the surgery takes approximately 1 to 4 hours. Factors such as the extent of reshaping, the need for functional improvements, and the patient’s individual anatomy contribute to the overall time. The surgery is performed under local anesthesia with sedation or general anesthesia, depending on patient factors and extent of surgery.

What Is the Recovery Like?

After the surgery, the patient must wear a nasal splint or cast for the first week to set the nose in place. Recovery from rhinoplasty involves a period of swelling and bruising, which gradually subsides over the following 2 weeks. Patients are typically able to resume normal activities within a week, although strenuous exercise and certain activities may be restricted for a few weeks. The final results are usually visible at 1 year. Dr Dadgostar provides detailed post-operative care instructions to facilitate a smooth recovery process.

Are the Results Permanent?

Rhinoplasty is designed to provide long-lasting results. While the initial swelling may take a few weeks to subside, the final outcome becomes more apparent over time. The majority of changes achieved through rhinoplasty are permanent, contributing to a lasting enhancement of facial aesthetics.

What Age is Best for a Nose Job?

There isn’t a specific age that’s best for a nose job. Generally, patients should wait until their nose is fully formed, around age 15 for girls and age 17 for boys. However, there isn’t an upper age limit for the surgery as long as the patient is healthy and can tolerate the anesthesia. Candidates for the procedure should be in good health and have realistic expectations of the results.

Is Rhinoplasty a Painful Surgery?

During the surgery, patients are under anesthesia, meaning they won’t feel any pain or discomfort. Patients may experience some pain or discomfort after the procedure, which can be managed with medication prescribed by Dr Dadgostar.

Are There Risks Associated with Cosmetic Rhinoplasty?

As with any surgical procedure, cosmetic rhinoplasty carries some inherent risks. These may include infection, bleeding, adverse reactions to anesthesia, or unsatisfactory aesthetic outcomes. Dr Dadgostar thoroughly discuss potential risks during the consultation and take every precaution to minimize these risks.

Can Rhinoplasty Be Combined with Other Procedures?

Yes, rhinoplasty can be combined with other facial procedures for a comprehensive enhancement. Common combination procedures include chin augmentation, eyelid surgery, or facelifts, depending on the individual’s goals. Combining procedures can provide a more harmonious overall facial rejuvenation.